Saturday, November 30, 2019
Rodolphos apology Essay Example
Rodolphos apology Paper Eddie is trying to keep control of his family, even after all that happened, Didnt you hear what I told you? You walk out that door to that wedding you aint coming back here, Beatrice. We notice the I told you. He still thinks that he is in control of his family, like he always had been. He doesnt realise how bad what he did was, and what implications it will have. We, as the audience now know how Catherine feels about him, but Eddie doesnt. This dramatic irony helps build up more tension, as we dont know what Eddie will do when Catherine doesnt do what he tells her to. To add to the anticipation of what will happen, we learn how important respect is to Eddie, I want my respect. He still seems to think that people will still respect him, and doesnt realise that nobody does, or, seeing what happened to Vinny earlier on, ever will again. This creates tension, as we want (yet at the same time, dread) what will happen when he realises this).Ã Then, Catherine goes and defies him, Its after three; were supposed to be there already, Beatrice. The priest wont wait. She is totally ignoring Eddie, just talking to Beatrice. Also, she is subtly belittling him when she says, the priest wont wait, as shes making the priest out to be more important to her than Eddie. We will write a custom essay sample on Rodolphos apology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Rodolphos apology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Rodolphos apology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Eddie, not realising this, still thinks hes in charge, and thinks that Catherine will still obey him, Hes gonna come here and apologize to me or nobody from this house is goin to the church today. Now if thats more to you than I am, then go. But dont come back. You be on my side or their side, thats all. The way he says nobody from this house that in his mind, he rules the house and everyone in it. It is his kingdom and they are his servants. If they do not obey him, then they are betraying him, and should be kicked out. He is being rather babyish, seeing it as a them and us situation, with no possible middle ground. This speech also tells us that he thinks that hes in the right, and that it should be Marco who comes to apologise to him, but as we have already seen, Marco thinks hes in the right and wants Eddie to apologise to him. They are both very similar, and both just as stubborn, which creates tension, as we know that neither will give in and apologise; yet both expect the othe r to. Catherine has finally had enough of Eddies primitive behaviour, and openly rebels for the first time, the most interesting part being her extended metaphor, Hes a rat, he belongs in the sewer! [Beatrice]: Stop it! [Catherine][Weeping]: He bites people when they sleep! He comes when nobodys looking and poisons decent people. In the garbage he belongs! First of all, we discover to what point Catherine despises him. Calling him a rat removes any human nature from him, so she doesnt even consider him a human. Then there are the things he does. For example, he bites people when they sleep probably refers to the boxing incident, when he hit Rodolpho hard, while Rodolpho trusted him and wasnt prepared for it (like when you sleep). Then he comes when nobodys looking, which could refer to the calling of the immigration officers, and poisons decent people, which almost certainly means the way in which he made decent Marco want to kill him. With so much hatred, also comes tension, as the audience wonder how Eddie will respond to having his authority undermined by one who he thinks respects him. The result of the rebellion, which makes Eddie realise she no longer respects or obeys him, is that he nearly attacks her, [Eddie seems about to pick up the table and fling it at her]. This is a very tense moment, and shows just how distraught and desperate Eddie is. He loves Catherine more than anything else (perhaps too much), and the reason all this happened was because of how he cared for her and loved her. If now he is prepared to physically harm her, its that he is emotionally at breaking point. Over the last few days, his life has fallen apart, and we know he cant stop now.Ã Luckily Beatrice is there to calm him down, and she decided to take his side, Now go, go to your wedding Katie, Ill stay home. Go. God bless you, God bless your children suggest that shell never see her again, or her children, making this a very emotional sentence. Then, in comes Rodolpho paving the way for a final showdown, Marco is coming Eddie. [Pause. Beatrice raises her hands in terror] Hes praying in the church. You understand? [Pause. Rodolpho advances in the room]. Catherine, I think it is better we go. This speech can have two meanings, depending on how the director asks the actor to say it. The actor could make out that Marco wants to come and kill Eddie, and Rodolpho has come to watch Eddie squirm, or alternatively, could make out that Marco is coming to apologise. I personally think that Miller intended it to be the former, as he has set the scene for revenge on Rodolphos part earlier, when, after being punched, Rodolpho responds with [a certain gleam and a smile]. This smile suggests that he knows whats going on, and will get him back. I also believe that Marco is coming to kill Eddie, because in the previous scene, Alfieri kept telling Marco only God makes justice. Maybe Marco paid attention to this, and is praying for justice. Beatrice has obviously also come to the same conclusion as we can see from her reaction, and her next line, lets go someplace [] I dont want you to be here when he comes. If he were coming to apologise, she would want him to be there. Eddie on the other hand may, blinded by his emotions, think he has come to apologise, which could be fatal. Even with Beatrices pleading, Eddie wont be moved. Hes already had too much, Where am I goin? This is my house. So at least Eddies not kidding himself; he agrees with Beatrice, and thinks that hes coming for revenge, but because of his pride, he refuses to leave. He also possibly doesnt realise how dire the consequences could be. He wants to defend his honour and his territory, and wants to punish Marco for insulting him so badly. We realise that no amount of persuasion from anyone will make him change his mind. This helps create quite a bit of tension, as we know that there will be a climatic fight. Even Rodolpho changes his mind and doesnt want a fight anymore. He says, [Quite suddenly, stepping up to Eddie]: It is my fault Eddie. Everything. I wish to apologize [] I kiss your hand [He reaches for Eddies hand, but Eddie snaps it away from him] On first inspection, this redeems Rodolpho. The words quite suddenly suggest that seeing how distraught Beatrice was, he changed his mind. He is willing to forget all the insults and other bad things Eddie has done to him, which makes the audience trust him again. But rereading it, it seems that he is possibly just trying to get Beatrice and Catherine to think that hes a very good man. The proof for this is that he says it only after Eddie has made it clear that he wont change his mind, so he knows it wont have any effect on Eddie, just on the others present. Eddies symbolically rejects the apology, signing, in doing so, his death warrant. The persuasion goes on and on, with the effect of hyping up Marcos coming, telling the audience that it will be grandiose and possibly fatal. It also has the effect of making the others seem nicer, as they all (even Catherine) plead with him not to stay. But Eddie wont listen, I want my name! He didnt take my name; hes only a punk. Marcos got my name [To Rodolpho] and you can run tell him kid, that hes gonna give it back to me in front of this neighbourhood, or we have it out. [Hoisting his pants]. Eddie is taking this honour and respect thing very seriously, which is why he wont accept Rodolphos apology. To him, Rodolpho is just a stupid kid with dyed hair (in other words a punk). His lack of intellect is shown by the fact that he doesnt realise that hes lost his respect and no-one can give it back. All he understands is physical action, so he hoists his pants, showing that he is ready for action, and is prepared to fight for his honour if Marco doesnt apologise. We all know this wo nt happen, so the tension starts building. Beatrice, in a desperate attempt to stop him, breaks down in front of Eddie, [barring his way to the stairs] whats gonna mean something? Eddie, listen to me. [] Listen to me, I love you, Im talking to you, I love you. First of all, we can tell that shes getting very desperate, as she bars his way; something that would take a great deal of courage, and despair gives you that courage. In addition, she speaks in short sentences, which makes it seem as though shes trying to grab his attention. She repeats, Listen to me, which would suggest that Eddie is ignoring her. She also repeats, I love you to try and make him realise what harm he could to those who love him, and to tell him that hes not yet totally alone. To emphasise this last point, she also says, Im talking to you. This could be just to make him listen, but it might also be to tell him that she, unlike everyone else in the community, still respects him.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Write a Classification Essay
How to Write a Classification Essay How to Write a Classification Essay The world exists not in our feelings and senses, but in our perception and mind. Human intellect discriminates between different species, objects, animals, and plants; on the basis of the available data, it draws logical conclusions. The collective body of all of these conclusions, which seem evident, is usually called knowledge. Hence, it may be maintained that our ability to discriminate and to distinguish is the cornerstone of our civilization. Unlike other types of essay, the classification essay deals with different species or classes of objects which must be described one by one and then compared. The task, which the writer has to accomplish, consists of observation of various groups of objects and finding logical connections associated with them. While specifying the differences between them, the author also needs to find common ground upon which to carry out a comparison. To write a classification essay is not as hard as it seems at first sight, but it requires more logical skills. Here you will find some recommendations and pieces of advice on what to do and what not to do while writing a classification essay. How to write a classification essay ââ¬â essential tips What you should avoid: Do not compare incomparable objects; for example: wild animals and mountain herbs. Here you need to use your logical skills. These will help you to find an appropriate group of objects (people, cars, cities, etc.). Do not merely describe; you should rather draw inferences, and thus to present new knowledge. Do not violate the rules for definition of a given object; avoid circular definitions (ââ¬Å"biology is a branch of science dealing with biological issuesâ⬠), ââ¬Å"wideâ⬠definitions (ââ¬Å"man is a living beingâ⬠), ââ¬Å"narrowâ⬠definitions (ââ¬Å"man is a rational being, Homo Sapiens, inhabiting Great Britainâ⬠). What is recommended to do: Choose a theme of your classification essay carefully (if you are free to decide on that). Collect some preliminary data and analyze them for yourself. Write down your own impressions and insights (you can also make a plan of the essay). In the introduction explain the context of your classification paper. What is its fundamental question? What is your thesis? What is your method? Analyze the groups of objects one by one. Define them well; justify your classification. For example, you are writing about different types of drivers. Explain why you have chosen only three, four, five types of drivers. Try to find similarities and differences between the groups described. Is there any hierarchy, or all these groups are equal? Are the groups constant or in transition? Is it possible to belong to two groups at once? Set forth your thesis (it may be in the beginning). You should put emphasis on some regularity or principle, which explains a given phenomenon. Or you can say that it is better to belong to the first group of drivers than to the second one; justify your thesis. A good classification essay demonstrates some important differences between classes or subclasses of objects. It must be coherent and very well ordered in a logical manner. Its author should employ special terminology and use it properly throughout the paper. Classification and division are characteristics of human mind only, thus helping human beings to order and classify various phenomena and to find regularities in the world. The good classification essay must correspond to this picture.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Interesting Facts About European Green Crab
Interesting Facts About European Green Crab The green crab (Carcinus maenas) is commonly found in tide pools along the East Coast of the United States from Delaware to Nova Scotia, but this species is not native to these areas. This now-abundant species is thought to have been introduced into U.S. waters from Europe. Green Crab Identification Green crabs are a relatively small crab, with a carapaceà that is up to about 4 inches across. Their coloration varies from green to brown to reddish orange. Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ArthropodaSubphylum: CrustaceanClass: MalacostracaOrder: DecapodaFamily: PortunidaeGenus: CarcinusSpecies: maenas Where Are Green Crabs Found? Green crabs are widespread in the eastern U.S., but they arent supposed to be here. The green crabs native range is along the Atlantic coast of Europe and northern Africa. However, in the 1800s, the species was transported to Cape Cod, Massachusetts and is now found in the eastern U.S. from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Delaware. In 1989, green crabs were discovered in San Francisco Bay, and now they inhabit the West Coast up to British Columbia. Green crabs have also been recorded in Australia, Sri Lanka, South Africa and Hawaii. It is thought that they were transported in the ballast water of ships, or in seaweed that was used to pack seafood. Feeding The green crab is a voracious predator, feeding primarily on other crustaceans and bivalves such as soft-shelled clams, oysters, and scallops. The green crab moves quickly are dexterous and are capable of learning, so that it can improve its prey-handling skills while it is foraging. Reproduction and Life Cycle Female green crabs can produce up to 185,000 eggs at a time. Females molt once each year, usually during the summer. During this time, the crab is very vulnerable until its new shell hardens, and the male green crab guards the female by pairing with her in pre-molt cradling, defending the female from predators and other males. A few months after mating, the females egg sac appears. The female carries this egg sac for several months, then the eggs hatch into free-swimming larvae, which stay in the water column for 17-80 days before settling to the bottom. Green crabs are estimated to live up to 5 years. Conservation Green crab populations have expanded rapidly from their native home in the Eastern North Atlantic, and they have been introduced into many areas. There are several ways that the green crab can be transported to new areas, including in the ballast water in ships, in seaweeds that are used as packing materials to ship marine organisms, as bivalves shipped for aquaculture, and movement on water currents. Once they are introduced, they compete with native shellfish and other animals for prey and habitat. Sources MIT Sea Grant. 2009. Introduced Species (Online). MIT Sea Grant Center for Coastal Resources. Accessed May 23, 2009.National Heritage Trust. 2009. European Shore Crab (Carcinus maenas). National Introduced Marine Pest Information System, CRIMP No. 6275. Accessed May 23, 2009 (link no longer active as of June 2014).Perry, Harriet. 2009. Carcinus maenas. (Online) USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL. Accessed May 23, 2009.Prince William Sound Regional Citizens Advisory Council. 2004. Green Crab (Carcinus maenas). (Online) Non-Indigenous Aquatic Species of Concern for Alaska. Accessed May 23, 2009.Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2009. Carcinus maenas (Green Crab). Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Invasive Species Fact Sheets. Accessed May 23, 2009, online. As of August 2010, no longer online.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Fuel prices remain high because of the United State's energy policy Research Paper
Fuel prices remain high because of the United State's energy policy - Research Paper Example In 1970s and 1980s renewable energy was called alternative energy because it was the best alternative for nuclear power and fossil fuel. There are different sources of energy. Firstly, I would like to discuss renewable energy that can be extracted from natural resources. Types of renewable energy are wind, solar, hydroelectric, biomass, geothermal and tidal energy. Then we also have fossil fuel sources extracted from coal or hydrocarbon, which are the remains of decomposition of animals and plants. There are three types of Fossil fuels: coal petroleum, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Third one is Nuclear power based on fission and fusion. The US is second largest energy consumer in world.à The US is seventh country in the world in terms of consumption of energy per capita. We know that in 20th century, after coming out of isolation US played a major role in the world socially, politically and economically. Every event or crisis in US has its own historical background; nothing happens within some days or months. Same is the case of fuel price, which is one of the biggest issues in the US now days. US was an agrarian state in 18th century but industrial revolution brought changes in the energy requirements and its production ways. At that time major source was coal to produce energy till 20th century then it took drastic change during WWII era. Petroleum and natural gas attracted the attention of US energy production sectors in 1950s. â⬠Followingà World War II, oil heating boilers took over from coal burners along the Eastern Seaboard;à diesel locomotivesà took over from coal-firedà steam enginesà under dieselization; oil-fired electricity plants were built; petroleum-burning buses replaced electricà streetcarsà in a GM driven conspiracy, for which they were found guilty, and citizens bought gasoline powered cars.à Highways helped make cars the major means of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Corrections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Corrections - Essay Example If these cares are not provided, their rights have been trampled and their physical or mental needs will be worsened. One of such special offender population is offenders with substance abuse problems. With this population, a specialized program that was instituted in New York to cater for their special provision was the Drug Treatment Alternative to Prison Program (DTAP). The idea behind the program was to offer ââ¬Å"treatment as a response to drug crime rather than punishmentâ⬠(Criminal and Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council, 2006). In this context therefore, offenders in the prison population are given treatment towards their drug abuse or addiction. Consequently, they are expected to shy away from drug and issues of drug after their terms of prison expire. Since its inception, the program has recorded a lot success with large number of these special offenders, being diverted to community-based drug treatment due to their rate of progress in the treatment program. All in all, the rate of prisoners who successfully complete their treatment has been given as sixty-one percent, which is a very impressive score (Young,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Symbolism in Lord of the Flies by William Golding Essay Example for Free
Symbolism in Lord of the Flies by William Golding Essay A book that makes a person think is always more interesting than a book that does not. Lord of the Flies by William Golding does just that! Golding, using symbolism, shows his readers ideas about human nature that are rarely thought about in society. In this allegorical piece of literature he uses objects and characters as symbols. Each important object in the book is closely related to a character in the book. For example, the conch and Ralph are closely connected, also Piggy and his glasses are directly associated. Lastly, the Lord of the Flies, which could be a character or an object, has a great affect on Simon and Jack. William Goldings symbolism creates tension that keeps his readers wondering what will happen as this group of once civilized boys turn to their instincts. One can easily see the symbolism in the conch, with Ralph representing all of the same things. Like the conch, Ralph symbolizes authority, order, respect and leadership. The conch can be seen as a simple object, but it is more fascinating to look at it as a tool used by Ralph. At the beginning of Lord of the Flies the great shell symbolizes power and authority. Ralph, the conchs first possessor, has the power to call an assembly. When Ralph blows the conch, all the boys come running to him. When the boys come to the first assembly, the conch is a symbol of order. The person who holds it is the only one that can speak. Without the conch everyone would be talking at once and there would be no organization. The conch commands respect. As the boys join the assembly they all show respect to Ralph, who is eventually voted chief because of the boys respect for him. The conch is a symbol of leadership. Ralph is the first possessor of the conch and he is the chief. The little bit of leadership given to the person with the conch is shown in that persons right to talk. Throughout the book, the conch represents the evolution of the boys on the island. It shows the change from a utopian society where everyones needs are met, to a dystopian society in which everything is disastrous and out of order. At the beginning of the book, the shell is almost perfect. The one imperfection is a small scratch, which is a foreshadowing of what will eventually happen to the boys society. The conch gets more and more scratched up, it loses its beautiful pink shade; and right before Piggys death the conch is shattered, symbolizing the complete loss of order in society. Ralph changes as the conch does. Ralph starts off believing that he is living in a perfect place where everything is wonderful. By the end he is running for his life. If he hadnt been rescued at that exact moment, then he probably would have been overcome by the evil instincts that unconsciously imprisoned the other boys. Like Ralph and the conch, Piggy and his glasses fundamentally are symbolic of the same thing. The glasses, when possessed by Piggy, represent the knowledge to see what is right, or what is best. In the Bible, in the story of Abraham, Abraham is constantly referred to as a seer, or the one who sees. Piggy is the prophet; he is the seer and visionary of this story. He is obviously the smartest of the boys; he always knows what needs to be done, he sees what is right. He and Ralph are the two that know the fire is the most important priority, because fire leads to rescue. Sometimes even Ralph forgets this very important priority. But Piggys knowledge of what is best is never lost, and is always shown through his glasses. As Piggys glasses slowly become destroyed, the boys slowly begin to lose the vision of what is right, and what needs to be done. The boys choose hunting and savagery over being rescued. The total loss to see what is right is shown when the glasses are broken and Piggy is killed. The most important symbol in the Lord of the Flies is obviously the Lord of the Flies, the Sows head on the end of a stick; it is the title of the book! The Lord of the Flies comes from death and killing, (of the sow) which shows its evil. It is the dark side of people; it is peoples evil nature. This unusual demon inhabits the souls of the young boys and corrupts them. As the boys are oblivious to everything, the demon turns the boys into savages with evil instincts that are uncontrollable. The evil spirit has the greatest effect on Jack, who already overflowing with emotion cannot handle his feelings and becomes a savage beast. The only character who is aware of the Lord of the Flies is Simon. Simon is connected with his true feelings. He sees a once perfect society being changed into hell. Simon finally meets the devil of this hellhole, and sees that his enemy is undefeatable, uncontrollable, and unbearable. It seems as if he almost commits suicide as he is slaughtered by the savage boys who are anxious for a kill. The Lord of the Flies is important because it shows that Golding believes in the evil nature that all human beings possess. Ralph has authority with his conch, Piggy can see with his glasses, and Simon has a revelation with a devil. These characters and their vital objects are symbols as well as important pieces of the story. Golding uses symbolism to add tension to a book already overflowing with thought and emotion that keeps his readers on the edge of their seats.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Character Analysis Of Iago Essay -- essays research papers
Iago is one of the most interesting characters in the tragedy "Othello" by William Shakespeare. Through some carefully thought-out words and actions, Iago is able to manipulate others to do things in a way that benefits him and gets him closer to his goals. He is the driving force in this play, pushing Othello and everyone else towards the tragic ending. Iago is not the typical villain in any story or play. The role he plays is unique and complex, far from what one might expect from a villain. Iago is not only very smart, but he is also an expert judge character. This gives him a great advantage in the play. For example, he knows Roderigo is in love with Desdemona and figures that he would do anything to have her as his own. Iago says about Roderigo, "Thus do I ever make my fool my purse." [Act I, Scene III, Line 355]. By playing on his ambitions, Iago is able to swindle money and jewels from Roderigo, making a substantial profit for himself, while using Roderigo to advance his other goals. Iago can also think very quickly on his feet and is able to improvise whenever something unexpected occurs. When Cassio takes hold of Desdemona's hand before the arrival of Othello, Iago says, "With as little a web as this will I ensnare as great a fly as Cassio." [Act II, Scene I, Line 163]. His quick thinking and craftiness makes him a truly dastardly villain. Being very smart, Iago is quickly recognizes the advantages of trust and uses it as a tool to f...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Bishoy Fanous Writing 102 Professor Riveland
Bishoy Fanous Writing 102 Professor Riveland 9 February 2013 The Meaning of Work When one thinks of meaningful work, generally they think of labor that accomplishes a certain goal. They think of a prestigious job or occupation that has meaning to it. But meaningful work can mean a lot more than just a prestigious job or having meaning to something you do. Meaningful work can be as simple as feeding the birds in the park on a Saturday morning. It can be helping someone out or looking out for someone in need.Meaningful work can be defined as enjoyment of the worker, dedication of the worker to the job, and involvement that the worker shows toward his job. When students start to think of jobs, they try to think of something that they would love doing for the rest of their lives. But instead they end up running after well-paying jobs and prestigious jobs. They feel that society would judge them in a way that would put them at the bottom of the job spectrum. So they end up going for a top of the line jobs that give good salaries but at the same time are boring or not meaningful to them.Therefore, when it comes to jobs you want something you will enjoy doing for the rest of your life. You want something that you will satisfy you in life rather then depress you. According to Epstein in the section Work and its Contents from his book he says, ââ¬Å"The most fortunate people of all, though, are those for whom the line between work and play gets rubbed out, for whom work is pleasure and pleasure is in workâ⬠(Epstein, 31). In other words, Epstein believes that your job should be close if not the same as your play time or the time you spend doing what pleases you.This can conclude my point that work that is not enjoyable to the person who is doing it gives it no meaning. It does not matter how prestigious or high paying the job is, if itââ¬â¢s not enjoyable, then it will not be meaningful to the person doing it. Also we notice in Epsteinââ¬â¢s quote the part w here he says that the line between work and play is rubbed out (Epstein). Basically what he means by that is when you go on with your life doing your hobbies they should be similar, if not close to, what you do as a job for a living.If thatââ¬â¢s not so, then the work you are doing is not meaningful to you. When it comes to meaningful work, dedication should be at the top of list. Dedication to work is more of a life style, like for example a doctorââ¬â¢s life style is a lot different from an engineerââ¬â¢s life style. A doctor might see something in a medical way while an engineer might see the same thing in a physical or a mechanical way. A doctor seeââ¬â¢s things in a certain way because he dedicated most of his time and effort to this form of life style and in the end he uses it to go through everyday life.The same applies to an engineer and every other profession out there. The profession a person chooses is based on the amount of time and dedication they put in to that field. Dedication can be seen through many people in everyday life. We see it in famous football athletes, movie stars, and even teachers. As the prominent philosopher Malcolm Gla dwellââ¬â¢s talks about The Beatles and Bill Gates as a little kid and how they were dedicated to what they did before they even got paid for it or it was even their job yet.He mentions how The Beatles when they first started performing it was in a strip club and they would perform for long hours every night together without complaining (Gladwell). Many might disagree and say that dedication should be put in everything you do even your job. But the truth is that many people do their job and then they go on living a different life from what they do at work. They show no form of dedication to what they do in their job at home or when they go out with friends or family. If they show no form of dedication then how is it meaningful work to them?Itââ¬â¢s not, it just another thing they do throughout t he day like brushing their teeth or showering just because they have to do it and because itââ¬â¢s a daily routine. Many people might say that they are dedicated to their job and they enjoy doing what they do for a living, but that does not necessarily mean that their job is meaningful to them. In order for work to be a hundred percent meaningful to the worker he has to be involved in it. Some might ask how can someone enjoy their job and be dedicated to their job but not be involved? The answer is that think of a football player in the National Football League.He might be dedicated to going to every practice and he might enjoy playing football for a living, but when it comes to game time he ends up not playing and sitting on the bench most of the season. In order for a job to be meaningful to the worker he has to get involved in some way shape or form. Likewise, the football player being benched for most of the season has to find a way to get better. But while he is getting bett er, he has to be involved in other things on the bench, like studying different plays in the play book or following different skills or techniques of other players on the team.This way he will be bumped up to playing more games in the season and end up getting involved in his job. In Thomas Sowellââ¬â¢s magazine, Meaningful Work, he talks about acquiring skills, he says that ââ¬Å"Those relatively few statistics that follow actual flesh-and-blood individuals over time show them moving massively from one income bracket to another over time, starting at the bottom and moving up as they acquire skills and experienceâ⬠(Sowell, 2). In making this comment, Sowell urges us to work our way up.He urges us to get involved in what we do in order for us to get the skills we need and move up in our work field. Further more going back to involvement, Sowell talks about how statistics show that some people start off with no skills or experiences. But over time through involvement in thei r field of work or study, they gain the skills or experiences they need to move up in their job or their income. This shows that without involvement in what you do for a living you can not have meaningful work or work that gives meaning to what you do.After reading this people might say that enjoyment, dedication, and involvement are not the only things that make work meaningful. But that living up to your goals is what defines meaningful work. I would answer and say that even though that could be a way to define meaningful work it has to involve one of these three topics because a personââ¬â¢s goal will never be to live miserable, but it would be to enjoy life. This can show that my definition of meaningful work is valid because whatever other way a person might want to define meaningful work. They will end up having to satisfy one f these three topics in their definition of meaningful work in order for it to be a valid and acceptable definition. In conclusion, meaningful work c an not just be work that you do for a salary or prestigious. But it has to be work that you enjoy doing everyday. It has to be work that you are dedicated to doing even if the job has a risk to it. Last but not least it has to be work that involves you in some way, not just a job that you go to, to get paid from. If the job you do does not involve one of these three things, then it can not be meaningful to you as a worker.It would be better off for you to not go through the struggle of getting that job, then getting to that job and noticing that it gave no meaning to your life in the sense of working. Work Cited Epstein, Joseph. ââ¬Å"Work and It Contents. â⬠à Once More Around the Block. New York: Norton, 1987. Print. Meaningful Work Comes from Passion, Not Genius. Perf. Malcolm Gladwell. Meaningful Work Comes from Passion, Not Genius. Bnet. com, 29 Nov. 2008. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. Sowell, Thomas. ââ¬Å"Meaningful Work. â⬠à NationalReview. comà 29 May 2012: Web.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Important technical development Essay
The most important technical development was the unitization of the liner shipping business. The shipping industry has been so successful at exploiting this technical development that the cost of sea transport has hardly increased. Coal and Oil cost little more to transport in the mid 1990s than in 1940s. Those important causes which are mostly affecting the demand for sea transport are 8 The World Economy : As it was discussed before that world economy with its output and trade is the most important single factor to generate demand for shipping and any crisis in the world economy reflects in the demand for shipping. In table 01 its clear that ups and downs of shipping demand is also proportionate to world trade. There are 03 different aspects of the world economy that may bring about change in the demand for sea transport ,which are- The Business Cycle: The business cycle lays the foundation for freight cycles. Fluctuation in the rate of economic growth work through in to the sea borne trade, creating a cycle pattern of demand for ships. For example, two major recession in shipping business in 1975 and 1981-1983 ,which co-incited with the recession of the world economy. This economic cycles arise from a combination of external and internal factors. The external factors include events such as wars or sudden changes in commodity prices such as crude oil, which cause a sudden change in demand. Internal factors refer to the dynamic structure of the world economy itself, which it is argued, leads naturally to a cyclical rather than linear growth path. Five of the most common business cycles are- I. The Multiplier and accelerator : The main internal mechanism which creates cycles is the interplay between consumption and investment. II. Time-lags: The delays between economic decision and their implementation can make cyclical fluctuation more extreme. The shipping markets provides and excellent example for this. During a shipping market boom, ship owners order ships that are not delivered until the market has gone into recession. When the arrival of the new ships at a time when there is already a surplus, further discourages new ordering just at the time when shipbuilders are running out of work. The result of their time lags is to make booms and recession more extreme and cyclical. III. Stock building : It produces sudden burst of demand as industries adjust their stocks during the business cycle. On several occasion shipping boom have been driven by short-term stock building by industry in anticipation of future shortage or price rises. Examples are the Korean war in 1952-53, the dry cargo boom of 1974-75, mini tankers boom in 1979 and summer 1986. Tanker booms were caused by temporary stock building by the world oil industry. IV. Mass psychology : If people act in an imitative manner a particular trend will build up to a level where they can affect the whole economic system. Their periods of optimism and pessimism become self fulfilling through the medium of stock exchanges, financial booms and the behaviour of investment. V. Random shocks : Random shocks such as wars, weather changes, new resources, commodity price changes, which upset the stability of economic system may contribute to the cyclical process. Its impact on the shipping market is often very severe ,for example ,1930s depression which followed by the wall street crash of 1929. Other two aspects are The ââ¬Ëtrade elasticityââ¬â¢ and The ââ¬Ëtrade development cycleââ¬â¢-which are correlated to business cycle. Other factors which have very strong influence on shipping demand are Transport cost. Transport cost are an element in the costs of production and If transport Costs are low ,its possible for domestic commodities to be substituted for the cheaper goods supplied over great distances, which will create business opportunities for shipping. The globalisation of the world economy has reinforced the inherent and unique internationalism and fluidity of the shipping industry, while over the same period the industry has become vastly more productive, with very much larger, faster ships and new techniques such as containerisation. By understanding and exploiting world economic activities and trade pattern along with all the other factors stated above, which are mostly controlling the shipping demand, ship owners and shipping management can achieve maximum business profit. From table one it is clear that the future growth of world trade and out put will definitely create more demand for shipping. Thus the ââ¬Ëderived demandââ¬â¢ nature of ââ¬Ëshipping demandââ¬â¢ creating huge opportunity for ship owners and shipping management to profit from the ups and downs of world trade. References 1. whitepaper of DTLR on British Shipping Charting a New Course ,para-9,obtained from www. shipping. dtlr. gov. uk/cnc/index. html ,or menu-whitepaper, october2001. 2. Chrzanowski I, 1985, An Introduction To Shipping Economics, Fairplay Publications. 3. Abrahamsson B J, 1980,International Ocean Shipping: Current Concepts and Principal, WestView Press. 4. McConville J,1999,Economics of Maritime Tansport,p42,The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Londonà
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Calculating a Confidence Interval for a Mean
Calculating a Confidence Interval for a Mean Inferential statistics concerns the process of beginning with a statistical sample and then arriving at the value of a population parameter that is unknown. The unknown value is not determined directly. Rather we end up with an estimate that falls into a range of values. This range is known in mathematical terms an interval of real numbers and is specifically referred to as a confidence interval. Confidence intervals are all similar to one another in a few ways. Two-sided confidence intervals all have the same form: Estimate à ± Margin of Error Similarities in confidence intervals also extend to the steps used to calculate confidence intervals. We will examine how to determine a two-sided confidence interval for a population mean when the population standard deviation is unknown. An underlying assumption is that we are sampling from a normally distributed population. Process for Confidence Interval for Mean With an Unknown Sigma We will work through a list of steps required to find our desired confidence interval. Although all of the steps are important, the first one is particularly so: Check Conditions: Begin by making sure that the conditions for our confidence interval have been met. We assume that the value of the population standard deviation, denoted by the Greek letter sigma ÃÆ', is unknown and that we are working with a normal distribution. We can relax the assumption that we have a normal distribution as long as our sample is large enough and has no outliers or extreme skewness.Calculate Estimate: We estimate our population parameter, in this case, the population mean, by use of a statistic, in this case, the sample mean. This involves forming a simple random sample from our population. Sometimes we can suppose that our sample is a simple random sample, even if it does not meet the strict definition.Critical Value: We obtain the critical value t* that correspond with our confidence level. These values are found by consulting a table of t-scores or by using the software. If we use a table, we will need to know the number of degrees of freedom. The number of degrees of freedom is one less than the number of individuals in our sample. Margin of Error: Calculate the margin of error t*s /âËÅ¡n, where n is the size of the simple random sample that we formed and s is the sample standard deviation, which we obtain from our statistical sample.Conclude: Finish by putting together the estimate and margin of error. This can be expressed as either Estimate à ± Margin of Error or as Estimate - Margin of Error to Estimate Margin of Error. In the statement of our confidence interval it is important to indicate the level of confidence. This is just as much a part of our confidence interval as numbers for the estimate and margin of error. Example To see how we can construct a confidence interval, we will work through an example. Suppose we know that the heights of a specific species of pea plants are normally distributed. A simple random sample of 30 pea plants has a mean height of 12 inches with a sample standard deviation of 2 inches. What is a 90% confidence interval for the mean height for the entire population of pea plants? We will work through the steps that were outlined above: Check Conditions: The conditions have been met as the population standard deviation is unknown and we are dealing with a normal distribution.Calculate Estimate: We have been told that we have a simple random sample of 30 pea plants. The mean height for this sample is 12 inches, so this is our estimate.Critical Value: Our sample has a size of 30, and so there are 29 degrees of freedom. The critical value for confidence level of 90% is given by t* 1.699.Margin of Error: Now we use the margin of error formula and obtain a margin of error of t*s /âËÅ¡n (1.699)(2) /âËÅ¡(30) 0.620.Conclude: We conclude by putting everything together. A 90% confidence interval for the populationââ¬â¢s mean height score is 12 à ± 0.62 inches. Alternatively, we could state this confidence interval as 11.38 inches to 12.62 inches. Practical Considerations Confidence intervals of the above type are more realistic than other types that can be encountered in a statistics course. It is very rare to know the population standard deviation but not know the population mean. Here we assume that we do not know either of these population parameters.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Glenn Miller and the Swing/Big Band Era Essays - Instrumentals
Glenn Miller and the Swing/Big Band Era Glenn Miller led the most popular big band in the world during 1939-42 and the most beloved of all the swing-era orchestras. His big band played a wide variety of melodic music and had tremendous success in every area of music. He was with the group for two years, and put together an enjoyable and well-rounded show. Glenn Miller was a man who influenced bands greatly for years. Alton Glenn Miller was born on March 1, 1904 in Clarinda Iowa. His family had a tendency to move frequently, to places such as North Platte, Nebraska, and Grant City, Oklahoma. It was in Grant City that Glenn bought his first trombone, at the age of 13. He earned the money by milking cows for $2 a week (Glenn Miller Biography). Glenn attended high school in Fort Morgan, Colorado. He studied at the University of Colorado for 2 years. It was in college that his interest in music flourished. He continued to play the trombone, his favorite instrument. Even at his young age, he was good enough to play in the Boyd Senter Band in Denver. At that point his love for music took over. Miller dropped out of school and went to the west coast to try his luck at being a musician. Miller played with many small bands until he had the opportunity to join Ben Pollack's orchestra in 1926. At that time the band included such well-known musicians as Loschiavo 4 Benny Goodman, Gill Robin, Fud Livingston, and Dick Morgan. In September of 1926, the Pollack Band went into the recording studios and worked on "When I First Met Mary" and "Deed I Do". These were probably the first record arrangements that Glenn Miller wrote. He stayed with the band until it went to New York in 1928 (Glenn Miller Story). It was then that he married his early love, Helen Berger, and moved with her to Manhattan. In the coming years, he developed his talent by working with Red Nichols in pit orchestras, as Smith Ballew's musical director, and with the Dorsey Brothers. In 1934, Miller helped form Ray Noble's American Orchestra, which soon became popular through radio broadcasts. Miller was the lead trombonist and arranger. In 1937, he left the band, and his own popularity among big band circles enabled him to form his own band, the Glenn Miller Orchestra. They brought out a few records, and went on tour, but the attempt was doomed from the start. He could not keep the orchestra together and had to let all but four musicians go. What Miller needed was his own trademark to distinguish him from the other bands. In 1938, with encouragement from friends, he gave it another try, and Miller built up his new orchestra on the basis of the four remaining musicians Hal McIntyre (alto), Rolly Bundock (bass), Chummy MacGregor (piano) and Bob Price (Glenn Miller Story). This time Miller was lucky enough to be supported by one of the most important agencies of the General Artists corporation and to obtain a record contract with RCA Victor's Budget Bluebird Label. Glenn Miller again went on tour. At this time, he had the distinguishing characteristic in Loschiavo 5 his music of having a clarinet double the sax melody an octave higher. Times nonetheless, were hard until the big breakthrough came in 1939. The General Artist Corporation managed to get Miller an engagement at the Glen Island Casino New Rochelle. Glenn Miller's time had come: on May 17 the band played its first night to a sold-out house and by the end of the engagements all box-office records had been broken. From there they traveled to Baltimore at the beginning of September. At Baltimore's Hippodrome Theater all records were again broken. The orchestra returned to New York and played in front at the largest audience in the city's history at the New York State Fare. On September 9, he broke Guy Lombardo's record attendance from the year 1931 and on October 6 helped Carnegie Hall to achieve new record receipts. The recording was also going full swing. Four records per week were being recorded by the orchestra. It was during this period, on April 4, that Miller's signature
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Artificial Reproduction in Humans Research Paper
Artificial Reproduction in Humans - Research Paper Example In IVF or in-vitro fertilization, where the egg is fertilized by sperm cells outside the womb in a glass container, is a major process that is undertaken when all other methods of artificial reproduction have failed. AI or artificial insemination is the process where the sperm cells from the husband or an anonymous donor are placed within the uterus of the female recipient, by using methods other than sexual intercourse, for the purpose of impregnating her. Embryo transplantation is the process where one or more eggs that have been fertilized under in-vitro conditions, is placed within the uterus of a recipient female that carries the embryo to its full term. Thus all the three processes aim to procreate for childless couples and also for gay partners, that is, for all those who fail to have children normally or cannot adopt, due to certain reasons. However, as in all latest techno-medical innovations, here also, there are certain ethical considerations to be made. The concept of hav ing ââ¬Ëdesigner babies,ââ¬â¢ and opting for embryo sex selection, have all been made possible with advances in the assisted reproductive technology, and these are the very ideas that have come under controversy in the recent times. Religious morals and certain medical ethics have placed these processes under considerable scrutiny, with a debate going on as to whether having children by artificial means is indeed morally or ethically correct. It will also consider the various ethical and religious sentiments that speak against the procedures, and also scrutinize the various medical benefits of these techniques. This article has taken up a topic that is very interesting, yet extremely controversial too.
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